
Welcome to the fifteenth issue of Baffling Magazine.

This issue is unthemed and encompasses many things: from queer love and trans rage, alongside sublimated longing and embodied revenge, and also the strange burdens found amidst myth, history, and nostalgia.

If you like our stories, we’d be grateful if you supported us at our Patreon. Every dollar there goes directly to paying Baffling writers and maybe someday even our editors. Our initial tier is just $3/month, and joining allows us to continue pay SFWA pro-rates to those we publish.

Our beautiful cover is by Mimimar and inspired by Celia Daniels’s “Moon Bearer.” Check out Mimimar’s process images here.

I also have the bittersweet task of announcing that soon co-editor Kel Coleman will be stepping down after a quartet of issues to pursue rest and time to write. It’s been a pleasure working at their side, and I’m especially pleased that the “performance” (issue #14) and “quiet” theme (next issue) were drawn from their insights. We look forward to crossing their creative path in the future, hopefully sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, we’re excited to share that Bendi Barrett has joined Athar Fikry and D. A. Vorobyov as an Associate Editor, and that Aun-Juli Riddle has graciously stepped up as our Assistant Editor. Watch this space as we figure out where Baffling’s masthead goes next.

Enjoy the issue!

dave ring
Co-Editor, Baffling Magazine


Moon Bearer