
Welcome to the fourth issue of Baffling Magazine.

This issue includes salty mermaids and a saltier drag queen, transcendental forces of connection and separation, the avenging spirit enshrined on our cover, and some very feisty (and adorable) robots.  

This is the fourth installment of the magazine and completes our first year run! I’m feeling pretty giddy that we made it this far. Fittingly, we’re excited to announce that all the stories from our first year will be anthologized in Baffling Year One, now available to pre-order at Neon Hemlock (and soon at all the usual places). They’ll of course stay available for folks to read on the site, too.

Thanks to our rad contributors for sharing their work with us and thanks to our cover artist, Nate Tazewell, for the gnarly interpretation of the noonwraith from J. Kosakowski’s story. Thanks again to my co-editor, Craig, and our associate editor Gabriella, for all the hard work behind the scenes on this issue.  

And thanks as always to our supporters on Patreon. We wouldn’t be here without your support!


dave ring
Co-Editor, Baffling Magazine


An Island in His Splendor